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Black Diamond Camalot Z4

SKU BLD00538
on sale for$89.95 list price was
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Expert Take
  • The Z4 has a rigid stem that stays in place when you pull the trigger. This makes it really nice for quickly making a precise placement. The small ones are great for clean aid routes on thin seams.

    Ecommerce Manager

  • Black Diamond cams are in almost every climbing rack in America for a reason. The Camalot Z4 has a RigidFlex stem, which makes placing it simple and straightforward. But once placed, it relaxes and helps prevent the cam from walking as you climb above it. It's so cool to see and experience how far climbing technology has come!

    Content and Social Media Manager


Born from a heart-to-heart with Black Diamond engineers and their top trad-climbing pros, the Camalot Z4 is the realization of a dream: a single-stem cam that stays rigid in hand, but flexes once placed. One of drawbacks with single-stem cams of the past is that the lobes tend to move when retracted. This can be a real pain when trying to make a tricky placement. Black Diamond solved this problem with their new Z4 Camalots. Thanks to the independently floating trigger wires, the Camalot Z4 doesn’t bend while under tension and retracted; and once placed, the stem can move, ensuring the cam doesn’t walk when pulled directionally. The stem on the larger sizes utilizes dual twisted cable construction, which provides uniform flex in all directions, while single cable construction is implemented on smaller sizes to avoid buckling when pulling hard on the trigger and to reduce trigger profile. And, the Z4 comes in smaller sizes that are great for tight placements in aid climbing. Featuring a similar head-width as Black Diamond's old Camalot C3 design, but with four lobes that are sandblasted for better holding power, the Black Diamond Z4 Camalots are the upgrade your rack has been waiting for.

  • RigidFlex stem stays rigid in-hand for easy placement, but flexes once placed to reduce walking
  • Narrow head width for tight placements
  • Sandblasted lobes for better holding power
  • Lightweight yet durable Dynex sling with a unique color scheme for easy identification on your rack
  • Winter 2023/24 product
Weight0 [green]: 43 g
0.1 [red]: 45 g
0.2 [yellow]: 48 g
0.3 [blue]: 54 g
0.4 [grey]: 61 g
0.5 [purple]: 77 g
0.75 [green]: 93 g

Range0 [green]: 7.5-11.8 mm
0.1 [red]: 8.8-13.8 mm
0.2 [yellow]: 10.4-16.3 mm
0.3 [blue]: 12.4-22.6 mm
0.4 [grey]: 15.3-27.7 mm
0.5 [purple]: 18.8-33.9 mm
0.75 [green]: 23.1-42.1 mm

Strength0 [green]: 5 kN
0.1 [red]: 5 kN
0.2 [yellow]: 6 kN
0.3 [blue]: 8 kN
0.4 [grey]: 9 kN
0.5 [purple]: 10 kN
0.75 [green]: 10 kN

Primary UseTrad climbing, aid climbing

Manufacturer Warranty2 Year limited

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